Thursday, December 4, 2008

Workshop Partners

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Anonymous said...

Vaishali Patel
Joe Gallegos
English 100, Txt# 45552
8 December 2008
reseach paper

Women In Society?
Throughout history, society has stereotyped women, making it merely impossible for women to achieve her goals and desires in life. In life these country women have always been treated as second best by biased men. Women have always been treated like they are never good enough for careers outside of the home. The sex of a person should not determine what type of duties or what kind of job a person will have. It should be up to a person’s own will not the decisions of society. In the past, women have been oppressed to a point where they were treated as a completely different species. They were in a country that seemed to be a dark tunnel with no hope, dreams, or sense of fulfillment. Now, women have been given their natural birthrights, and they are now able to do everything males can do.
As was stated, most people like to consider males and females equal in ability and in what their roles should be in society, but I don't think that is actually the case. God has made men and women differently; he has made them to fit certain roles he has defined. The Bible talks a lot about God's roles for men and women. Genesis, the first book of the Bible, talks about Creation and how sin disobedience to God entered the world. When God created everything, it was perfect and good. Right after Adam and Eve the first man and woman disobeyed God, God kicked them out of the perfect place he had made for them called the Garden of Eden.
"To the woman He said, 'I will greatly multiply your pain in childbirth, in pain you shall bring forth children; yet your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.' Then to Adam He said, ' Cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall grow for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field; by the sweat of your face you shall eat bread...'" (Agonito, Genesis 19 -22).
This is the first example of God's giving roles to men and women. He said that women would give birth to children and, obviously, raises them, while men will take care of the land and work it for food. Many people today believe that since the Bible was written quite a long time ago that it doesn't apply to the world now and that the roles God has given men and women are changing, but that's not true. Just because something is old doesn't mean it's not interesting to the world today.
It was believed, even back in the 1600’s, during the time of the Puritans that women should not have any rights outside of her home expect to teach her children about life, morals, and religion. In communities such as this women had to depend on her husband to provide for the family and to take care of them. Women were made to feel like they had no duties in their community. The role of women in society was contributed by religious beliefs and the nonstop negative attitude that man has given women. Women were treated like they were property of men, with no voice in their own fate. Changes in the family began when women wanted more from life.
Since, the start of the new world women has had to live under man’s rule. She has encountered sexism since cave men have dragged them around by the hair on their head. And it was not until the nineteenth Amendment was ratified in 1920 that women got the right to vote. Since then women have finally been able to express their opinion and it actually count for something in society. Over the last twenty years, women have taken a full advantage of their voting rights. It has enabled women to accomplish things they had only dreamt of. Women are now in the center of the business world and still changing a male dominate society.
Men and women are by no means equal. There are always going to be certain attributes of each gender that the other can't duplicate. This does not mean that any one is better than the other, but that, aside from the obvious fundamental differences, we should treat both sexes equally, making allowances for these differences.
Being male, I don't know how it feels to be treated in a gender bias way to such an extent as most women will undoubtedly feel throughout their lifetime. The male-female pay gap is a very objective representation of an accepted form of male dominance, whether it is fair or not. To a friend of mine, this meant that women should not work because men are in control and always will be in control and women are only trying to make themselves equal to men by working. That is ignorant. Women have the right to make their own decisions, and they have also got the brains. If a woman is interested in a job and meets the qualifications that the employer requires, I would expect her to be considered eligible for that job with no more questions asked.
The point is this; men have treated women as lower all through history and quite openly, old habits die hard. Women have learned that they are to be under men's control and have only recently considered that this may be incorrect. In short, women should be allowed to do whatever they desire in their heart, just like any man. I see no reason other than ignorance that we shouldn't see a female president. Their role in society depends on their strengths; the things they do well.
As the United States of America was building, women for some reason were not treated like they should have been. Strong women like Sojourner Truth stood up for what they knew was right. She was able to fight for all women, represent a whole "race" and take control, she was one of the very few women who had the strength and will power to face this problem head on, and win. She was able to take on an entire nation and voice her opinion regardless of what her consequences could have been. That is what it takes to free yourself and or other people from the hold of injustice. Not too many people have the quality to be able to stand up in such harsh situations but because of some brave women all of the women are able to walk down the street and feel as equal as any man passing by. They can vote, hold office, get high paying jobs, and be independent women, with independent thoughts.
In the lights of the horrible past, women were able to build a defense system far better than any army or navy that any country could produce. The women were able to attack with intelligence, perseverance, and being able to bring up common sense that seemed to have been missing before. With this defense, they were able to produce an illustrious history. Now, women can linger with their pasts, and with the memories of the women who preceded them, and look towards a bright future, where people like Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Clinton exemplify the American women, who can live out the American Dream, once only available to males.
No longer do women write books represent their insecurities and injustices. Now women are writers of Pulitzer Prize winning works and teach aspiring male authors how to be the best they can be. In a society where it was once unheard of for women to even be educated, women take up the majority of grade school teachers, and many more have blossomed into college professors with Ph D's and MD's. As women kept making these advancements to individualism, people have taken notice, and now women are considered better contenders for many jobs, men no longer have the full control they once fabricated. As a matter of fact, of the people who have created major impacts on my life; socially, mentally, religiously and otherwise, all but one has been female. Just imagine, without these females in my life, I would not be the person I am today, makes you stop and wonder, where would our nation be without women. With the achievement of all this, women know have so many opportunities that were once a dream, the tunnel they once envisioned so dark and impassible seems like a stairway to lights, to the open society of acceptance and opportunity.

Work Cited
Agonito, Rosemary. “History of Ideas on Woman: A Source Book.” The Creation and Fall of Man and Woman. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1977. Pg.19-22

Anonymous said...

Tania Torres (
Research Paper Polished Draft
A new craze among teenagers and perpetually dieting women is becoming a vegetarian. This fad claims to benefit animals, the environment, and the individual. Yet its last allegation is not true. A diet that includes meat and dairy products is healthier than a vegetarian diet that abstains from said foods.
There is a wide spectrum of the varieties of vegetarian that one can be, from lacto-vegetarianism to raw foodism and fruitarianism. The most controversial is veganism, a diet in which no meat, dairy, or eggs are consumed. This strict avoidance leads to deficiencies in iron, calcium, and vitamin B12 (Corliss 3). This forces vegetarians to have to take dietary supplements or find other ways to get these necessary nutrients. Others even refuse to take these, claiming they still harm animals in some way. Those whose diet includes eggs, dairy products, and an adequate amount of meat, however, have nothing to worry about. If a variety of foods are eaten and in moderation, a person should be able to get all their vitamins without supplements.
Vegetarianism can cause malfunctions in the body that are absent in those that follow other diets. In some cases, this diet can lead to osteoporosis due to calcium deficiency, irregular periods in women, hair loss, and a yellow-ish tinge to the skin, as noted by Dr. Michelle Warren, a professor of Medicine at New York Presbyterian Medical Center (Corliss 5). The reality is that humans were made to eat other animals and serious deficiencies can occur when this is disrupted. The necessary vitamins and minerals obtained through animal products can not be replaced with a simple vitamin-a-day. Calcium is needed to develop strong bones and teeth that will last into late adulthood. If the deficiency of calcium is apparent in youth, osteoporosis is extremely likely. Irregular periods are most associated with being underweight, which can occur with a vegetarian diet. Instead of eating vegetables and fruits, these women choose to eat less and hide behind the facade of being vegan. Irregular periods could also be a signal of hormonal failure and cause these women more problems if they become pregnant. Hair loss and a off-colored skin can be further signals of having a low body mass and a need to have a different diet.
The biggest downfall of vegetarianism is its lack of protein. Protein is mostly available from red meat, poultry and fish. Vegetarians argue that they can obtain protein through other sources, such as tofu, soy, and beans. However, this is not enough since most vegetarians do not consume these foods everyday, opting for easier choices like bread and pasta. Yvonne Bishop Weston, a nutritionist in London, emphasizes that everyone needs high quality mixed proteins and essential fatty acids in their diet (Adams 1). This is not possible for vegetarians since their food is limited to plant-derived protein sources and fatty acids are almost completely absent.
Many parents have forced vegetarianism on their children only to be met with horrible results. The parents of a young girl in Scotland raised her on a vegetarian diet from birth which led her to have a degenerative bone condition in her spine due to a deficiency of Vitamin D (Macaskill 1). This child will probably never recover and the parents continue to believe that this diet is the most healthy. Growing children and fetus obviously need the nutrition that can be found in eggs, meat, and, especially, dairy products. In another case, the six-week-old child of parents in London died after having a purely vegan diet (Adams 1). Parents need to understand that children can not be subjected to such cruelty and that their love for animals can not be more important than the health of their offspring.
Teenagers love vegetarianism because it allows them to rebel and refuse to eat what their parents cook. However, the American Dietetic Association found that vegetarian diets are slightly more common among teens with eating disorders, although vegetarianism is not the cause for the problems (Corliss 4). Adolescents are able to mask their eating disorders claiming that they are vegetarians. Most teenagers are not aware that eating vegetables is a crucial part of being a vegetarian. Instead, they choose to eat snack foods, soda, and vast amounts of unhealthy grains. Simply because they are not consuming an actual animal, they think that it is sufficient and a healthy substitute.
Simply because one is not vegetarian does not mean one is not allowed to consume vegetables. One of the most cited benefits of vegetarianism is that eating more fruits and vegetables can slow age-related declines in brain function (Corliss 2). However, anyone can include more fruits and veggies in their everyday diet. It is not necessary to completely give up poultry and fish to reap the benefits of vegetables. People need to simply modify their diets to include ample portions of each food group.
A person who is not a vegetarian may be said to be unhealthy and eat junk food and steak all the time. However, this is not true. The Mediterranean diet consists of vegetables, poultry, olive oil, eggs and fish. Red meat and poultry is eaten monthly. This diet, although not vegetarian, is associated with longer life spans and lower rates of heart disease and cancer (Rosenthal 1). This is the alternative diet for those whom do not make sense of vegetarianism claiming to be healthier. This diet contains the nutritious omega-3 fatty acids from fish and a beneficial amount of vegetables and fruit.
The healthiest diet available now is one that is balanced and contains suitable portions of meat, dairy products, and eggs, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is not natural for humans to live off plants only and devastating results can occur if it is done.

Works Cited
Adams, Mike. “Vegetarian Option Often not the Healthy Option”. 12 June
2005. 30 October 2008.
Corliss, Richard. “Should We All Be Vegetarians?”. Time Magazine. 7 July 2002. 15 November 2008. 2008.
Fitzroy, Craig. “The Great Fallacies of Vegetarianism”. Vanguard Online. May 1999. 30
September 2008.
Macaskill, Mark. “Parents of ill Vegan Girl may face Police”. The Times of London. 9 June
2008. 3 October 2008.
Meeks, Linda, et al. Health and Wellness. 2003. Ohio: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Rosenthal, Elisabeth. “Fast Food Hits Mediterranean; A Diet Succumbs.” 23 September 2008. 15 November 2008.
Ryan, Anne. “Flexitarians Can Have Their Meat and Not Eat It, Too”. USA Today.
2 October 2008. 3 October 2008.