Monday, October 27, 2008

Hi, My name is Joe, and I want to be a better teacher.

I do not assign partners. I want you to find someone to work with whom you find compatible and whose opinion and work ethic you respect. At first, it will be pretty hit or miss, because you don't know each other yet. As a way for you to get a first idea of who you want to work with, I'm going to ask all of you to include a paragraph (or more) about yourself in comments section of this post. Please explain who you are and why you are taking the class. Tell your classmates what your goals for the class are. Explain what kind of worker you are and what kind of person you would like to work with. Read the posts of your peers and decide who you would like to with. Contact the people with whom you think you will do good work. This assignment will be very important for your participation grade. Not doing this assignment will be very bad for your participation grade. I know many people do not enjoy talking about themselves; I don't like it myself (although I just admitted something there didn't I?).

On the other hand -- and I say this every semester to every class: "I'm not asking you to make friends, only to develop professional, working relationships with a handful of your peers." I don't care what type of work you do, or will do in the future, the ability to work professionally with your peers will always be a valuable skill that leads to success. When you write about yourself, there is no need to reveal anything that you feel is personal (although it is not prohibited), you are only explaining what kind of work you want to do in this class and describing who you want to work with.

You do not have create a blogger account to post in the comments section, it will still let you post anonymously. If you do that, make sure you include your name so people know who to contact. This blog is not public, which means bots and spiders can't steal your address if you put it here. Of course, all you need to leave is your name, everyone who is supposed to know it, already knows your email address.



Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm Alli. You can email me at I am one of those people that is surviving through three classes, a full-time job and a part-time job. Some of my classwork is done at work, because thankfully I have an openminded boss. I prefer to get everything done before it's actually due. This gives me time not only to get everything else done, but to prioritize my daily schedule. I am pretty friendly and outgoing, and kind of talkative. I would like to work with someone who is friendly, an open communicator, comfortable working on an email basis, and also working hard toward a high grade in this class. I am not interested in someone who cannot answer emails within a day or so, since we are stuck in a weeklong submission schedule. I am also not interested in partnering with someone who doesn't understand that emails do not express emotion, and it's important to watch your wording. Please contact me if you would like to work together and strive for an A!

Anonymous said...

I am Erick Lux. I am a full time horticulturist, yet I identify myself more by my interests, intelligence, and compassion. I consider myself liberal and I like to discuss politics with people I disagree with. I am a vegetarian and think highly of others who have made that choice.

I have trouble submitting to authority without reason, and I believe that one can be defiant and respectful at the same time.

I am passionate about music and art. Some of my favorite bands include Mew, Catherine Wheel, The Cure, The Clash, Bad Brains, Screaming Trees, Bauhaus, Peter Tosh, Dinosaur Jr.—and many, many more! I love going to museums and my favorite art movement is German Expressionism.

I travel through books and in life. Some of my favorite books are Perfume, Butcher Boy, The Stranger, and The Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs. Driven by a desire to learn through lived experience, I have been to Peru, Costa Rica, South Africa, the Netherlands, and Hungary—just to name a few places.

I love plants and animals. I am a member of Orange County’s Master Gardeners, a horticultural service organization, and I write a blog about plants for fun.

In my education, I have always been more motivated by personal interests than by merely getting ahead. I have taken many classes for personal growth—so many that I am near an AA. Now I am returning to school and taking this course with the goal of completing my degree. I love to read, write and learn, and I am dedicated to learning as much as possible in this class. To this end, I will work as hard as I can to make the most out of these eight weeks and to further my education.

I am looking for someone who loves to learn as much as I do, who will be engaged in our assignments, rather than simply content to finish them. I promise to work hard, but I expect that my partner will do the same. I work full time, but I set aside Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, as well as evenings, to complete my work for this course. I check my email consistently and will do all I can to ensure quick responses.

Glenn said...

Hey guys, I'm Glenn. I'm best described as an open person. I'll get straight to the "no-nos" so whoever is reading this doesn't need to read any further if I'm not ok with them.
I don't want a partner who is easily offended and takes most statements or opinions as a personal attack. I know that everything I say will offend at least one person, and I expect to be offended by at least one thing each person says. So, bearing this in mind, I am very frank about my opinions and don't hold back when I speak my mind.
Another thing that bothers me is terrible spelling, grammar, sentence structure, etc. While I can work through it, I will write a novel all over your paper indicating each and every marking. So, I'd rather avoid this. Along with that, don't inject fancy words into writing just to give it flair... a good writing is something easy to read and doesn't have me reaching for the dictionary.
That being said, here's the main thing I want in a partner:
I like partners who keep communication. If it will take an extra night to check something out, tell me! I'm a very flexible, easy going person. If you want me to tone down my criticism or suggestions, tell me! Don't sit behind the screen grumbling "this guy's a jerk!"
About me. I am 22, work part time that feels like full time, and looking for a second job as well as trying the full 19 at school. I have slacked off on my classes because I am a terrible student. I understand all the concepts, but homework is my definition of the darkest circle of hell. However, when someone else is on the line (partner, group, etc) I have been known to carry more weight than my own and sometimes complete it all single-handed if need be. I have a self-sacrificing personality.
On a side note, when I'm not working or doing homework, I am playing volleyball, coaching kids, or writing stories (I have a novel in progress).
I like the outdoors and I like to do my homework outside of home. If anyone feels the desire to do their homework outside on a trail, beach, park, or wherever, I would probably like to join you. Let me know if anyone wants to meet up and head out.

Anonymous said...

Hello all!
I'm Todd and like most on here I am taking three classes presently while working full time at Border's (lemme know if you need a book). I returned to school just this past summer after a year off that turned into five. Now I'm striving towards a degree in Journalism and if everything were to go right in my life I would be living in England by my 27th birthday writing for Bizarre (my all time favorite mag.). I work goofy hours throughout the week and cannot check email from work, but I check often while at home.

Work wise I do best when I dig into an assignment early and dont stop 'til its done. I'm easy going and can take criticism for what it is so if we are working on something don't hold back and I wont either.

Hope everyone stays in and finds a partner early. Have a happy and safe Halloween to any who I don't speak with over this weekend.

Nick Macedo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nick Macedo said...

Hey class. My name is nick. You can reach me at . I like puppies, long walks on the beach, blankets by the fire, and cups of hot cocoa on cold nights... Okay, but seriously, I feel like this is a dating ad we're all filling out... I work with Jr High kids for a living which may make me legally insane, you be the judge. I write and perform spoken word poetry ( I once separated my shoulder playing (extreme) duck duck goose. I'm the kind of worker who always meets a deadline with quality work. I work better under pressure. I believe creative integrity and originality are far more important than any grade, money, degree, or reward. i work well with independent, self-starting people. I like giving rides to hitch hikers...

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,

My name is Maureen Meenagh. I am originally from Poughkeepsie, NY. It is on the Hudson River about two hours north of the City. It is VERY pretty there this time of year (though I hear they're getting a little snow there today. Yikes!) Anyway, I moved out here in April of '07 and I haven't looked back. :-) I have aspirations of working in film and am working toward those goals. Currently, I am taking 18 credits while working an overnight shift. I am taking this class to fulfill the degree requirement as well as to get the prerequisite for other courses out of the way. I am hard working and focused when it comes to class and would like a partner who is the same. I am easily accessible through email at, I check it often and also have access to it through my phone so getting in touch with me is not a problem.. and there's always facebook:

Unknown said...

Hello everyone. My name is Ginny Parrish. I can be reached at I am a nursing student and I am taking this course as it is one of the classes needed in order to apply to the program. I am also taking Microbiology this semester as well. I am married and we are expecting our first child at the end of March. I would like to find a partner to work with who is serious about this class and is a hard worker. I am pretty easy to work with and strive to submit the best work possible.Please feel free to email me if you are interested in working together. =)

Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Tania and I can be contacted at . I am currently taking 17 units and dental assisting part-time on the weekends. I intend to make it through college and dental school, so I want to improve my writing, reading, and critical thinking skills as much as possible through this class. Regardless of how much sleep I am deprived of, I always complete all my assignments and am not satisfied getting anything less than an A in a class. I may seem shy or unfriendly at times, but I do not like to waste time and would rather complete homework than chat. I normally do not miss class and can be counted on to know what assignments are due and when. I am not a good writer, but I put a lot of effort into every assignment and I would expect my partner to do the same. I enjoy working via email and would like my partner to respond promptly when necessary. I am looking for a partner who sincerely wants to learn and is willing to cooperate with me to get the best grade possible. I do not want to work with procrastinators or lazy students who do not take this class seriously. Do not be discouraged by the fact that I am merely 16; I have every intention of completing this class successfully and helping my partner achieve this as well.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Hi my name is Jillianne Naval. I can be reached at I just recently moved back home because i wanted change my major. I attended cal poly san luis obispo last year majoring in biomedical engineering, and moved back to switch to nursing. After this semester i will be done with all of my pre-requisites for the program. i am a very hard worker and will do whatever it takes to succeed and do well in this class. i am friendly, outgoing, and get along well with others. i check my e-mail frequently during the day, so getting a hold of me shouldnt be a problem. if its easier you cane contact me via facebook:

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Laura Bush. I am currently taking 5 courses (17 units) at Saddleback. I am striving to become an English major and am working very hard to finish Saddleback and move onto a four-year university. I look forward to becoming an elementary school teacher. As a nanny for three little girls, I am very lucky to have a rather flexible schedule that allows me to do school work while I am with them. I am a very hardworking, conscientious student. I think that grades are a very good display of your work ethic, so I always try to maintain mine as above average. I hate it when I complete people's assignments on time for them to turn and and they do not return the favor. Sometimes I find it difficult to work with others who are not willing to put as much effort into an assignment as I.I am a very kind, friendly person who is always open to trying new things. (I love different cuisines! Thai, Japanese, Mexican, Chinese... I love it all!) Wow, now that I just realized what I wrote I'm sure you are going to assume I'm a fattie! Whatever.

Brittany said...

Hey everyone! My names Brittany. you can email me at I would consider myself a very friendly person. I'm kind of shy as i'm getting to know some one but will open up as i learn more about that person. I am very straight forward but in a respectful maner. So in other words i like to tell it how i see it. I'm also very laid back. I like being able to laugh at myself, so if your reading this and your the kind of person that takes everything seriously we probably wouldnt be very good partners. I work five days a week and go to school for two. this is my fourth class, so I'm very busy. I'm looking forward to getting a good grade in this class. Contact me if you'd be interested in partnering up! <3

Anonymous said...

hey whats up i'm abby. my email is or the tmail account is to my sidekick so if you want to reach me on the quickness email me to that account because im forever on my phone. but if you wanna send me essays send them to my aol account.
im in the m/w class from 11-1 and im not sure if everyone posting these blogs is from my class too? anyway umm about me..i'm really fun and outgoing. i talk alot and i'm really nice to people until they get on my bad side. then we're gonna have problems. but i'm really easy to get along with so if we dont get along then blame yourself. hahah. just kidding. ;] um i'm not like a big grammer freak especially not on the internet so like don't think i'm stupid just cuz i dont capitalize things and cuz i use slang words. its how i talk. im really smart but i guess a bit airheaded. if i really want to achieve something then trust me, i will achieve it. i'm working on my GE right now and im hoping to transfer to USC in about two years. yeah its a long shot but whatever its my dream let me live it. i messed up alot in high school so im trying to make up for it by doing good in college, which is one of the reasons im taking this course. im also taking three other classes and thirteen units. i DONT have a job, and its not because im lazy i just dont have time. i have a boyfriend and a dope family so like i cant find time to squeeze a job in between school, chillin with my fam bam and my baby. i'm really helpful and if you need help with ANYTHING, even personal problems, im always willing to help. just hit me up :]
i love my kitty and my two chiwawas. yes i know thats not how you spell it. i have six brothers two of which live with me and another little brother on the way. i wish i had at least one sister, but im happy being the only girl. im just a chill person. let me know if you wanna work with me and we'll see whats up!<3

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hello to all, My name is Monnick Antilla,My email adress is, I am a successful business owner, mother of three, wife, full time student, and a volunteer for the campaign to Elect Barack Obama for President. I am a very busy person who can not live without my black berry to keep me sane. I have a managerial type personality and work on a strategic schedule to keep going and to be productive, I do not like working with B.S.ers, and call them like I see them. I like to be ahead on my school work by at least two days. It is very important for me to work with people who are honest,good communicators, non procrastinators, and are striving for an A in this course.

Amber said...

Hello my name is Amber. I can be reached at I try to check my email every day. This is my first year at Saddleback and my first online class. I would like to find a partner who knows Blackboard pretty well so I'm not completely lost in this class. I am a very easy going girl. I love to talk but even more than that I love to listen. I get along with almost everyone I meet. I am very friendly and I love meeting new people. I currently work at Heritage Christian Preschool where I do afternoon daycare. I work for my mom, she is the director of the school. Some people may think I have it easy because she's my boss, but I think I have it harder than others. I am a good work partner because when I set my mind to something I work hard and get it done... no excuses! So let me know if you would like to be my partner :)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! My name is Selena. I have a very crazy life, but I wouldn't want it any other way! Most everyone who knows what goes on in my life says it is like a soap opera! I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. Nevertheless, I am taking 4 classes: political science 1, english 1a, geography 1, and history 5. I also work 2 jobs, I am starting a third to pay the bills. I work at Sylvan Learning Center, Curcit City, and Primerica Financial Services. I just graduated from Capistrano Valley High School. I moved out right away. So, I live with 3 of my best friends. That in its self though is a full time job...taking care of an apartment with 3 other people. I am a very extraverted person. I talk to everyone and anyone! I am very open and understanding. I love people but I have a very independent side to me aswell. I would love to work with someone who is friendly and has a pretty flexible schedual. I do not do most of work until the evening time around 9 or 10. Occationally I do a small amount in the morning, but that is very rear. If anyone is intrested in working with me let me know! I want to work towards and A! So lets do it!

Unknown said...


My name is Abdulla and I"m an international student here from UAE. I have a great deal of experience in the business sector and am taking this course to improve my english skills. I would consider myself "bi-polar" in a good way. I am very easy going for the most part, amiable, and take every thing with a grain of salt. However - if I encounter a situation where I need to get things done in a demanding environment ... I literally block out the world and focus on the "issue" until I get the job done successfully. I work best under stress - and find my best hours to think are late hours when it's quiet and peaceful.

I currently am going to school full-time and working on two business lines. I work with a business partner in building a software consulting business and a real estate investment firm. I usually am available all day except from 4am - 9am. You can contact me at - if you are bored or want a word of wisdom...haha

As far as a partner - I really don't have a preference. I'd like to work with someone who is reliable - but again that's assuming I lived in a perfect world. Reality is - I"m not ... so I can accept someone who might need help with time management or some help in completing this class successfully. I find it gratifying to help someone - along the journey. So if you don't have a partner and you need someone whose gonna be more a complete friend rather than just a partner ... drop me a line.

P.S. Jenna you are great partner...not that I wanna switch my partner.... hahah

Anonymous said...

wassup everbody!!! my name is vicente and i am taking one of joe's classes. you can e mail me at There isnt really mich to say about myself other than i can get along with just about everybody, so that means i am willing to work with just about everybody. i enjoy riding dirtbikes, hanging with my friends, and i LOVE to party!!! As far as skills go, i am pretty hard working, always on time, and am a super big nerd. i only have a few requirements as far as partners. My big three are, do your work, make sure your on time, and dont act a fool. if you want to have some fun and partner up with one of the kool kids hit me up and we can try to get out of this class with an A!!!

Anonymous said...

hey im jc. my e-mail is i'm taking this class because when i went to take my placement test for english i guess i did alright and i got english 100. i'm going to cerritos because i didnt get accepted into long beach or san diego so i decided that cerritos would be ok. i guess i would like to work with someone that is smart and doesnt mind working with someone that is not as motivationally driven to do my best.

i have a band called swagger check us out on i'm very passionate about music and i like playing reggae because sometimes people just need to get high and relax and listen to some good music.

i work at chuck e cheese. i hate when they make me get in the chuck e suit and then little kids crowd around me and start touching me. i dont like it when they grab my hands and hold on to me...especially when its little boys. i like to party more than work. i like to go out and have fun so if you like to do the same thing then hit me up. i dont know how that relates to class but im still going to say it.

i might not be so responsible but that doesnt mean that im not smart. if i work with somebody i try my hardest not to let them down and i'll do my work. so if you wanna be my study buddy let me know.

Anonymous said...

oh and as for partners i just require that you do all the work. jk i dont really care as long as your a cool person to work with and easy to get along. and thats it

Anonymous said...

What's up English scholars! I'm Evan Dizon and I'm in Joe's English 100 class at Cerritos community college. All you need to know for now is that I am an extremely hard worker. I push myself to my limits in every situation knowing that I can produce the best possible outcome. Moreover, when surrounded by peers I push myself even further to show others that I am capable of performing at an optimum level. As a partner I will never allow myself to not participate or allow my partner to complete the work on his/her own. I will always give my input and opinion on any assigned work and I expect the same from any other student I work with in the future. I take my schoolwork very seriously and expect only what I can put out. Never will you see me give up as I have a knack for recognizing opportunities and seizing them.

On a more irrelevantly personal note, I am currently a part-time off-site after school instructor with California Educational Centers. This job allows me to go out to different elementary schools and teach selected students various subjects. I personally specialize in science and chess. I am the oldest of three brothers in my family and the "man" of my household. In my leisure time, I am intrigued by the game of basketball. I am often found playing at the park or watching games on television or at the Staples center. I love to watch the television show The Office and my favorite movie is The Lion King.

Feel free to email me at

SiMPLY_SARAH said...

Well, I guess here goes...

Hey everyone, my name's Sarah. I can be reached at I'm in Joe's 11AM class. And I don't know how writing about myself is going to put me into the 'cool kids' section. Being cool is so overrated...

Okay, as you can tell, i have a bit of a focusing problem. Right now, I have about five Firefox browsers open on my computer each with at least two tabs. (ADHD?) I'm the type of person that can joke around but sometimes take things too far. I can also get butt hurt over some things I shouldn't be getting offended over. It really all just depends on what kind of terms we're on. I may be lazy, be a HUGE procrastinator, and incredibly short, but when it comes down to it I can pull my own load - if not more. I was president of the Ecology club at Downey High and succeeded in raising $600 in three weeks with only two fundraisers. <- Evidence I can pull my load when i need to!

However, I have a very busy schedule. If not at school (Mon & Wed 8AM - 10PM), I'm usually at work in La Mirada in a cell phone store(10AM - 8PM/7PM[SAT]). We're closed Sundays. If you have any questions about verizon or t-mobile, i'm your girl - usually anyways.

I check my email as often as I can (AT LEAST ONCE a day), and can be found on aim (SN: underavrg asian) during working hours. So feel free to msg me there. Or if it's really important, there's unlimited txting.

However, if something needs to be done and time is running low, you WILL be forced to focus on NOTHING but the work. When it comes down to it, grades aren't something to joke around about.

All I ask for in a partner, is that he/she isn't a flaker, can keep to their word, be fair, and not be lazy.

Want to know more about me? Email me, or msg me on aim. Toodles.

Anonymous said...

Uhh what's up whoever is reading this. My name is Marc and I am taking English 100 right now at Cerritos. It was not where i wanted to be, but i guess i have to just deal with it. I am only taking 10 units this semester, just so i can kind of make the transition from high school to college. I consider myself very intelligent, but just sometimes lazy. I won't work with just anyone. I need to work with someone who is willing to work as i am and who actually cares about what they are doing. If you don't waste my time i won't waste yours. I can help anyone learn =]. And you can reach me at, just don't go adding me on myspace or whatever lol jkk

Quan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm Heather.

I can be reached at I aspire to be in the music industry.I'm taking this class mainly because it is required. I think a writing class is also necessary. My goals for this class is to achieve a good grade and to learn how to be a better writer. I am a good worker and I do my share of work. I am a reliable and responsible person. I want a partner who is also responsible and reliable. They don't have to be a genius though. If you would like to know anything else fill free to ask.

Ritchie Ibarra said...

Hello everyone, my name is Ritchie Ibarra. You can reach me at I am 20 years old. I am taking this class so that I can be closer to completing my general education. I want to transfer to a university or a state college that are located in California. I wouldn’t consider moving away to another state. I am close to my family and I like the area in which I live. My goals for this class are probably the same as much of you. I want to pass this class with a grade no lower than a B. I want to be able to turn in my writing assignments with little to no grammatical errors. I also want to be able to turn in every assignment and have them all be on time. I would consider myself a hard worker and a very creative person. I like group assignments because you get to meet new people and you get to share ideas. When I am in a group I always do my part and turn it in on time. I would like a partner to be able to do his or her part and be able to turn it in on time. I would do my best and I would expect my partner to also do their best.

Anonymous said...

Hi I am Daniel Rhodes. My email address is I am a person who does not like English in particular, but I like to make sure I do everything I need to to get my work done. I am hardworking with working at a bank and going to school full-time. I am a very busy person and try to make sure I put my best into things. I will admit I can slip from time to time, but that is not my preference. email me any time if you want to work with me. Thank you!

Mark L said...

Hello Class
My name is Mark Lokovic and I am finishing up my AA degree at Saddleback. You can reach me at I’m not a younger student on a quest for a degree that will help me find the job for me in life. I’ve been in the workforce for 20+ years and am finally taking the time to finish my degree. I’ve got two classes to go and then a few to tie up by Bachelors. I’m looking for someone to work with that is cooperative, contentious, responsible and knows the difference between they’re, there and their. I will provide you the same courtesy in return.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm Roxanne. my e-mail is I go to saddleback full time and work full time at nordstrom. I am intersted in working with people who are easy to contact and like things simple so that its easier to understand everything since we will be working via e-mail. hmm I talk a lot and am always hyper sooooo I need a partner I guess that is really fastpaced like me. other than that dunno. except that I still need a partner! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm Roxanne. my e-mail is I go to saddleback full time and work full time at nordstrom. I am intersted in working with people who are easy to contact and like things simple so that its easier to understand everything since we will be working via e-mail. hmm I talk a lot and am always hyper sooooo I need a partner I guess that is really fastpaced like me. other than that dunno. except that I still need a partner! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody, My name is Dimitra Tsibouris my email is I am returning to school after several unfullfilling careers. I have apx 12 more units needed to transfer to cal state & hopefully finish with human services degree. To be honest I work hard when things interest me, getting me interested is the trickier part (howz that for honesty). But really this class is important to me, as I am home recovering from a surgery & it pertinent to my tranfer. This class means a stepping stone for me & I love to read & theorize!! Still open to a partner

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone! I'm Vaishali you can email me at or I attend cerritos college it is my four year. I have changed my major four difference time. I will get my AA in liberal arts and science in the end of spring semester. I would like to transfer to CSU Fullerton, San Diego State or CSU Sacramento. I want to get my BA in Accounting and Finance and Marketing. Alsoam thinking of getting my MBA in Business. For fun i like to party or clubbin. I also like hang out with my friends and i like going to the movies. I guess that is about me. hehehe....

Unknown said...

Greetings fellow peers! okay I don't really talk like that... but anyway my name is Raphael. You guys can easily reach me through my I check it multiple times daily so if you need any kind of help I would be happy to try. I'm filipino and 18 years old. I'm in Joe's 11am MonWed class and currently taking 13 units. My schedule is MW 11-1, TuTh 8-1230, and my free time is from 930-1045. I don't currently have a job so I'm also free the rest of the day.

My goal for the class is to get more than just a passing grade, preferably an A. I know it won't come easy, but I am always willing to work hard for what I desire. I find it sometimes difficult to focus on the work, but once i get started, I just keep going, kinda like the energizer battery.

I'm the kind of person who gets things done almost 100 percent of the time with the exception of some laziness, but I like to do things on my own terms. The thing is I like to... better yet..choose to do things somewhat last minute, because I find it easier to focus on the task at hand. Whenever I am doing partner/group work, I do my best not to let them down because I know I'm not only damaging my grade, but the grades of my fellow classmates as well. I can be shy at times, but I easily adjust to new environments and try to input as much as I can to help the group achieve a good grade. I'm neat, if that counts for anything. I try to keep as organized as I can and finish my work on time.

As for another student to work with, I don't really mind who it is, just as long as that person is willing to put in as much time and effort as i do into the assignment we're working on. I don't mind having to do 51% of the work as long as the other person does 49% but equal partners is always better haha. I don't like flakers. Partners should stick to their commitments.

Well that's about all I can think about for now. I look forward to working with you all! (well not all)